Six Sigma Certification

Quality in Today’s Market Place for One and All

Go online and you will see anything and everything being offered for sale. Cars, clothes, even vacations to Hawaii. All this and more you will see and find everyday online and also in your typical physical store. So you have to ask yourself, for all of these great items that are being offered, are they any good?

Good question and the answer is not so simple. Today with the various government agencies with their rules and regulations, it is difficult for a product to be acceptable in one area and yet not so in another. So in the 1970’s Motorola took it upon itself to address this very issue. Motorola created the Sigma Six program and its sister affiliation Six Sigma Certification. The Sigma Six program assists and ensures that firms’ entire processes are up to standard from start to finish. With quality control instructors leading its Six Sigma Certification and its graduates, not only from Motorola but partner firms as well, strive to make sure the product or service you purchased are up to par.

So with private firms such as Motorola and its Six Sigma Certification quality should not still be an issue in the marketplace. Sadly it is. With the economy still in the tank, individuals and firms alike are cutting costs to ensure that they are able to make it another day. For the individual the only one who suffers is he and his immediate family. When a firm cuts costs, one of the first areas that they loot too is quality control. They view quality as a luxury line item that is nice to have. What they fail to see or realize is that because of a firm’s commitment to quality is a trait that draws customers back for future purchases. Yes the lower sticker prices is nice but, if the product is cheap and will not last, then why bother?